Rechurching: Chicken & Dressing Casserole

Chicken and Dressing Casserole

Thanksgiving, the holiday, may only come around once a year, but you can eat the holiday year round.  Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, pecan pie, and the list goes on.

This delicious comfort food has a Thanksgiving affect: warm, casserole, dressing, Southern.

What I did to rechurch this church cookbook recipe: add spices and decrease the milk.  I find most church cookbook recipes to be bland or normal – I like the amount of pepper I added to this recipe and also the French Thyme and sage.  I also increased the temperature and decreased the cooking time.  Enjoy!


1 whole chicken, cooked (save broth), deboned, chopped

1 bag cornbread stuffing mix (generic is fine, no need to spend the big bucks)

1.5 cups chicken broth

1/2 stick unsalted butter

1 can EACH cream of celery and cream of chicken

3/4 can milk

1 tsp sage

1/2 tsp French thyme

1 tsp pepper

1/3 tsp salt

In a bowl, mix together the soups, milk, and spices.  Set aside.

On the stove top, melt the butter in a small pan with the chicken broth to combine them.

Put the chicken, chopped up, in the bottom of a 9×13 pan.

Pour the soup mixture over the top.

Sprinkle the cornbread stuffing (just the mix) over the top.

Pour the broth and butter mixture over the top of that.

Bake at 375 for 45 minutes.

I loved the crispy cornbread nibbles that created a wonderful texture party in my mouth. My sweet mister said it was a keeper recipe.

Yummy cornbread texture

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